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Decentralizing finance to create a more inclusive, transparent and fairer economic system for all.

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Our Thesis

Nakama is a thesis-driven, long-term focused builder and venture fund. We partner closely with the projects we invest in or incubate and actively participate in their governance, community-management and adoption. Our mission is to create value for all stakeholders and help crypto move away from value extraction, towards value creation and sustainable token economies.

Nakama only manages its own funds and has no outside LPs or funding. This means that we are freed from any external pressure and can focus solely on creating sustainable, long-term value for the projects we partner with.

We believe in a multi-chain future and want to work with all token networks. Our initial focus will be on IOTA, and Shimmer. We believe in the unique opportunities offered by these ecosystems and believe their technical capabilities will help transform the entire Blockchain industry in the coming years.

Want to partner or work with us?

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